Meeting 1 Spring 2024

Meeting 1: BeEF

Welcome to the UML Cyber Security Club meeting 1. We have the great Felix


  1. sudo apt install beef-xss

  2. ip a or ifconfig to get your ip address

  3. sudo beef-xss

  4. Web UI username is beef, the password is whatever you set

  5. Send your friends a link to http://<your IP>:3000/demos/butcher/index.html

  6. Stop the program with sudo beef-xss-stop


  • UML blocks Kali, so use a VPN when installing stuff to it
  • Must be on the same network as your victim for the link to work (can use eduroam, or cyber range VPN network).
  • If you are using a VM, enable a “Bridged Adapter” instead of NAT
  • In the GUI, green means likely to work, orange means may work, red means it probably won’t work.


  1. Get Noah’s browser history
  2. View IP address, browser, OS of victim
  3. Get cookies of victim
  4. Man-In-The-Browser
  5. Confirm close Tab
  6. DOS user
  7. Use the Proxy to ping google or something
  8. Use XSS Rays ??

Extra Credit:

  1. Integrate BeEF with Metasploit

Use as Proxy

  • Attacker can route their own internet traffic through the victim’s browser (Proxy Documentation)[]


(XSS Rays Documentation)[]