Meeting 1: BeEF Welcome to the UML Cyber Security Club meeting 1. We have the great Felix
Installation sudo apt install beef-xss
ip a or ifconfig to get your ip address
sudo beef-xss
Web UI username is beef, the password is whatever you set
Send your friends a link to http://<your IP>:3000/demos/butcher/index.html
Stop the program with sudo beef-xss-stop
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Meeting 6
Possible Challenges
- “So Meta”
- “WhitePages”
- “l33t haxor” Reverse Engineering:
- “Vault Door Training”
- “Vault Door 3”
- “Time’s Up” Web:
- “dont-use-client-side”
- “Client-side-again”
- “Open-to-admins”
- “Empire1” SQLi:
- “logon”
- “Irish-Name-Repo”
- “Irish-Name-Repo 2” Cryptography:
- “Caesar”
- “la cifra de”
- “Syruptitious Lizard” Binary Exploitation:
- “handy-shellcode”
- “leap-frog”
- “OverFlow 1” Forensics:
- “Strings it”
- “unzip”
- “So many files” Networking:
- “Shark on wire 1”
- “Shark on wire 2”
- “Insp3ct0r”
Meeting 5: Buffer Overflows View the files on github at:
Table of Contents phase1.c phase2.c phase3.c Step 1: Identify the Vulnerability Step 2: Leak the Canary Step 3: Locate Relevant Gadgets for ROP Step 4: Craft the Exploit Step 5: Execute the Exploit Defenses Against Buffer Overflows Stack Canaries (Stack Guard) Address Space Layout Randomization (ASLR) Non-Executable Stack (NX Bit) Bounds Checking Safe Libraries Code Reviews and Static Analysis Runtime Protection Control-Flow Integrity (CFI) Relocation Read-Only (RELRO) Further Reading Exploring Buffer Overflows with phase1.
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For better access to the files, go to the github:
Meeting 4 I encrypted my plan to take over the world. To stop me, you must decrypt my plan. The plan is stored in text files, for example phase1.txt. Each section links to its relevant phase.txt file.
Table of Contents 1: Caesar Cipher 2: Substitution Cipher 3: Vigenère Cipher 4: Playfair Cipher 5: RSA Cipher 1: Caesar Cipher I suggest you use brute force to crack the Encrypted file
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Meeting 3: Physical Security Table of Contents Lockpicking Introduction to Lockpicking Common Tools and Their Uses Lockpicking Techniques Ethical Considerations Devices Rubber Duckies Ducky Script Creative Devices Defending Yourself from USB Attacks Lockpicking Move the tool with Q, E, WASD, and use the slider on the bottom to increase tension.
Introduction to Lockpicking Lockpicking is the art of manipulating the components of a mechanical lock without the original key to open it.
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Meeting 2: Metasploit Goals: We have 4-5 vulnerable machines set up
Table of Contents [Setting up Vulnerable VM](#Setting-up-Vulnerable-VM] Connecting to a database Scanning Exploitation Choosing an exploit Searching Online Vuln Database scanning Using a payload Types of payloads Post-Exploitation What is Meterpreter? Further Reading Metasploit Metasploit is a widely used penetration testing framework that helps find, exploit, and validate vulnerabilities in systems. To open Metasploit, type msfconsole in the terminal.
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Meeting 1
Making a Phishing Payload The content shared and discussed in this club meeting is for educational purposes only
I have made a harmless program at for you to download and run as part of your macros. It is totally safe and only opens notepad.
These directions can be downloaded at:
You can also view them on github:
For further reading, take a look at:
Table of Contents Social Phish Macros Windows Word Excel Linux RTLO Character Explanation LNK files Using the .
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You can download the watcher from the /watcher_1.scr or /watcher_2.scr directories. The goal is to have a piece of harmless malware for people to run in the cyber security club meeting.
It is also my attempt to learn how processes can persist, and restart each other. When the program runs, it adds itself to the registry to run on startup. Then it downloads its friend program. Then the two of them check to see if notepad is open.
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